Jerusalem Sabbatical

I originally created my blog to post my reflections on my sabbatical experience in Jerusalem in 2006. I have also used it to post my thoughts and ideas about being a church for the next generation. Now I hope to use it to blog about my third time in Israel, volunteering with Bridges for Peace!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I’m finally home from my many wanderings: Oaxaca, Mexico and Chicago. It was great to have a break from the hectic routine of fall scheduling, and both the mission trip and my nephew’s wedding were delightful diversions for several weeks.


Our mission team returned from Oaxaca on September 26, after a fantastic week of ministry, relationship-building, and experiencing the unique facets of Oaxacan culture. Gary and Bryce, Bill and Sabino, Carolyn and I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of the trip, which was very well organized and complete. The trip was billed as a “Mission/Vision” opportunity, so it was much more than just a work project. The coordinators in Oaxaca, Covenant missionaries JoEllen Reaves and Bruce and Katy Dockter, did an excellent job orienting us to all the facets that are involved in ministry in this beautiful country, which gave us a broader, more complete understanding of the people, life in Oaxaca, local issues, and the Covenant’s presence here.

We stayed together in a beautiful guest house, not far from the “Zocalo” (central square of the city)--and we were the only ones there until the last night! Bougainvillea and other flowers and shrubs filled the courtyard and cascaded from the second floor roof.

There was a meeting room with TV, books, sofas and tables--a great place to meet each morning for devotions and at night to relax and unwind after a busy day of ministry (dominoes, Scrabble, and crossword puzzles were the favorite evening activities).

Breakfast was provided each morning, which always included fresh fruit, juice, a variety of baked good, eggs or some unique Oaxacan breakfast dish, and the foamy hot chocolate drink that this country is famous for.


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