Jerusalem Sabbatical

I originally created my blog to post my reflections on my sabbatical experience in Jerusalem in 2006. I have also used it to post my thoughts and ideas about being a church for the next generation. Now I hope to use it to blog about my third time in Israel, volunteering with Bridges for Peace!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Holy Week is only a few days away. This is a significant and powerful time for all of us who follow Christ, for it brings us face to face with what our Savior accomplished for us--and the entire world--through His suffering, death, and resurrection. These realities that Jesus endured changed everything, not only for us personally, but also cosmically; in eternity. Death has been defeated! Sin and evil and Satan himself have been overcome! Though the vestiges of these ugly things continue on this plane, where we live our everyday lives, in the big scheme of things--God's view and plan--these infectious, devastating, ruining results of humanity's disobedience are conquered!

Last year I put together a series of pictures, Scripture, and commentary for each day of Holy Week, based on my experience in Israel during my sabbatical in 2006. I called it "Visual Devotions for Holy Week." I intended it primarily for my congregation here in Hilmar to help them reflect on the incredible meaning of this week, and to enter more deeply into their relationship with Christ. However, because it was located here on my blog, other people saw my devotionals and utilized them too. When my friends at "Bridges For Peace" in Jerusalem saw them, they shared my devotionals with people around the world! I've never had as many "hits" on my blog as during that time last year.

Now my "Visual Devotions for Holy Week" are going to get even more coverage. They are going to be posted on the website of our denomination, the Evangelical Covenant Church! My friend who manages the Covenant "Worship Connect" blog asked me to make them available right on the Covenant website--and of course I said "of course!" They begin this Sunday, Palm Sunday, and continue daily through Easter.

Because of this wider interest in my "Visual Devotions for Holy Week," I am going to use them again here as my current blog post. These devotionals are located through the link here on my homepage, just to the right of these words. Click on the link, and experience the message and meaning of Holy Week in a unique way.

To see them on the Covenant website, click here:

I pray that the Holy Spirit will give you fresh insight and richer understanding into the events of the coming week as you journey with Jesus each day.



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