Jerusalem Sabbatical

I originally created my blog to post my reflections on my sabbatical experience in Jerusalem in 2006. I have also used it to post my thoughts and ideas about being a church for the next generation. Now I hope to use it to blog about my third time in Israel, volunteering with Bridges for Peace!

Tuesday, July 05, 2011


Our Mexico mission team returned from Tijuana again last Saturday, after another incredible week serving the Lord together with our sister church, Iglesia Bautista-Bethel, in the colonia of Francisco Villa. Five of us from Hilmar Covenant, two from Turlock Covenant, and ten from Iglesia del Pacto made up this year’s team. Most of us had been on this YUGO Ministries mission trip before, but we did add a few new people, and once again we grew into a strong close-knit team--especially because once again we were the ONLY mission team at the YUGO site, ready to serve for the week! Sadly, churches or youth groups or church leadership bodies are buying into the media’s overblown and extreme reports of violence in Mexico and are not sending mission teams to help Mexican churches and to give their youth the opportunity to experience cross cultural ministry.

They also missed out on the challenging teaching of this year’s YUGO speaker, Bill Drake. Bill serves with Operation Mobilization, and travels the world as the OM music/arts coordinator of teams that share the gospel of Jesus in dozens of countries through music and the arts. His passionate commitment to evangelism, his keen biblical understanding, and his sharp, pointed criticism of American Christianity challenged all of us once again to consider our relationship with Christ, how we live out our faith at home, and to recommit ourselves to a bolder, uncompromising Christian life.

Let me share Bill’s inspiring quotes, highlights of his insightful thinking, and some of his pointed challenges:

Monday’s focus was “Serving God”
•Are my purposes wrapped up in God’s purposes for the world? Don’t miss out on the reason I am alive.
•Don’t be afraid of failure; be afraid of things that don’t matter!
•”A person doesn’t know why he is alive until he knows what he is willing to die for.” (Martin Luther King Jr.)

Tuesday we were inspired with “Freedom From Fear”
•Many people have a “grasshopper” mentality (from Numbers 13 - the spies’ frightening report of walled cities, giants, and a land that devours its inhabitants)...NO! We are not created to abide in fear.
•”When Christ calls a man, He bids him to come and die.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
•We are free to be who Jesus made us to be; free of the world’s standards and values.
•He has no fear who has nothing to lose.
•”We’re already dead.” (quote from a Turkish Christian pastor to Bill, who had a death threat against him and his family from local Muslims - but he refused to hide, run, soften his convictions or compromise his faith. This pastor even had his son on his shoulders as he was organizing the event where Bill and his team were to perform, knowing full well that at any moment his life could be taken.)

Wednesday was about “Our Identity In Christ”
•Scriptural words for who we are in Christ: His child, His workmanship, a chosen people, witnesses (Greek word: martyros - this is where we get our word for martyr!).
•What do terrorists, Navy seals, and Buddhist monks all have in common? They are highly trained, committed, focused, and motivated. What about us? What is our motivation in life? As Christians, are we as trained, committed, focused, and motivated as these groups are? We have a higher calling - but the Enemy distracts us!
•The biggest sin of the USA: our individualism/focus on self/what I want!
•The biggest reason fewer American young people are going to the mission field: Christian parents discouraging their kids from doing so! They are telling them: “stay home/be safe/get a good job/stay close to family.”
•Bill’s words to our mission team: “WE WENT!”

Thursday began with a look at the meaning of Jesus’ temptations from the devil, and then the question posed to us was: “Who/What Do You Serve/Worship?”
•Temptation #1 - You have the power/ability/opportunity, so DO IT! Satisfy yourself.
•Temptation #2 - Avoid being rejected - be popular and loved - Compromise yourself! (“I am defined by nobody! Not by Nike, Budweiser, Ford - nobody!”)
•Temptation #3 - Worship me - get creation back without going to the cross!
•”What you worship, you will serve.” What do we serve?
•There is no worship without obedience. (“To obey is better than sacrifice.” I Sam. 15)
•There is no obedience without seeking first the Kingdom of God (top priority!).
•There is no seeking first the Kingdom of God without being involved in God’s mission. And what is God’s mission? To reconcile all humans to Himself!
•And THE CHURCH is God’s program to accomplish His mission!
”Missions is not a program of the Church - the Church is God’s program to accomplish His mission!
•If you aren’t involved in God’s mission, you are not worshiping God!
•MISSION = WORSHIP If we love God, we must love what God loves.

Finally, on Friday we were simply given the word, GO!
•”Missions exist because worship doesn’t.” God wants everyone to worship Him, but we (humanity) worship and obey other things than God.
•Matthew 28:19 is known as the Great Commission, but Bill calls it the Grand Assumption. It is best translated “As you’re going, make disciples...” The active verb is “make,” not “go!” Jesus assumes we are going! Sending is in the DNA of God - God is a missional God - being a witness (martyros!) is not optional!
•”Are you preparing to go, but willing to stay; or are you willing to go, but preparing to stay?” The strategy of the Evil One is to de-rail GO.”

Bill ended his final teaching by reiterating what he began the week with: "If the purpose of my life is not wrapped up in God’s purposes for the world, I will miss the reason I am alive.” What a challenge! What a warning. What a wake-up call!

Ponder these important, insightful, clarifying points regarding our Christian lives and commitments. What might change if we who say we love Jesus actually lived out these principles that Bill put forth? I found it refreshing and bracing to be challenged by these pointed, no-holds-barred words from Bill, and appreciated his strong words directed at us who too often compromise and settle for comfortable, self-centered interests. I had to ask myself: what is, indeed, my motivation and commitment to Christ? Is it as focused as the motivation and commitment of terrorists and Navy seals? Am I truly willing to be a witness - a MARTYR - for the sake of Christ?

What say you???


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