Jerusalem Sabbatical

I originally created my blog to post my reflections on my sabbatical experience in Jerusalem in 2006. I have also used it to post my thoughts and ideas about being a church for the next generation. Now I hope to use it to blog about my third time in Israel, volunteering with Bridges for Peace!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Upon arrival at YUGO's campsite, everyone helps unload all of our stuff from the vans and trailer. This plot of ground was our home for the week.

It's amazing that these tents can hold several people and all of the stuff they bring with them!

Josh's birthday celebration--it always falls when we are in Mexico and he gets to have a party!

This year, Josh's mommy provided bubbles, along with the party hats and Hostess cupcake treats. This sitting area is the place where our team hangs out for our daily devotions and in all of our free time, talking and snacking, preparing lessons, playing games and guitars, etc.


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